Jan 17, 2020 | Business

What’s the basic structure of writing an article

What query you’ve typed that this article you’re reading appeared in the search result? Is it how to write an article, or what’s the best way to write a blog post? It could be both or something else, but what was your intent behind typing those words? You know it already, that is, you wanted some information. And it is the same for all the searches over the internet. Everyone wants information, whether it’s how to install a new application on a mobile phone or how to drive a car. Every search has a motive to get some useful information. But you can’t give information right away, without any proper structure or some basic rules. An article needs to be written in an organized way. So, users can attach themselves to written words and collect the required information easily.

Therefore, in this article, I’ll tell you the structure and some basic approaches to write an article. If you’re planning to start your new blog and you’re wondering where to start, then this piece would help you.

As a heads up, this article is only about the basic structure of an article writing. If you’re looking at some information on how to write an article that ranks higher in search results, then it’s not. Sorry to disappoint you :).

Structure and basic approach to writing an article

Before you know the structure, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re writing to provide useful information in the best way possible. Most people and blogger these days try to write for SEO purposes only, to rank higher. Uses best SEO practices but forget about the article’s purpose, which is to provide the reader with useful data. And as Google Webmaster says, write something that shows Expertise, Authoritative, and Trustworthiness. Something you want to read, trust, and apply in your life and profession.

All right, enough philosophy, let’s head to the main point of our article: Basic Structure of Writing an article.

For writing an article you always need three components that are,

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Action

We’ll look at each one by one for better understanding because they’re not as the name reflects.

Basic Structure of Writing an article


The introduction area of an article helps you engage the reader with your writing. It allows you to introduce what’s this article is about and what information the reader can get from it. Therefore, this section has the most priority when writing an article. As, if it’s not up to mark, then the user can bounce, which affects your search ranking. I know this is an SEO matter, but it’s important to mention. Moreover, the introduction helps the reader to understand the writing pattern and flow. So, they can adjust themselves accordingly and move forward into the article smoothly.


After knowing what your article has to offer, the reader moves down to this area, where you can provide all the useful information.

Information should be provided in simple language, well presented, has to be concise, and have proper use of images, headings, bullet points, etc., so users can understand it easily in a much better way.

Make sure that the theme for the blog or platform you’ve used has good clarity and readability because it can ruin your well-written article.


This part of the article gives an overview of the article. So, the user can remember the information for a longer time. But this is not the only use of Action part in an article. As we’ve given useful information to the reader, it’s time for us to get something in return. This means the preferred action you want from readers take after reading the information you’ve provided.

Basic Structure of Writing an article

In most cases, the action we want from a reader is to share the post, comment, or subscribe to get the newsletter. In this way, we can improve the views of the article. Can grow the contact list for later promotional use. But the action section of an article isn’t restricted to these choices only. This part of an article can help us to make the most of it in many ways.

I hope this article has helped you to understand the basic structure of an article: Introduction, Body, and Action. If you use this, you can probably write a better article. And as you continue to write more, you’ll develop your own methods that would help you to write a much better article. If you find this information useful, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. You can also write your views or techniques to write an article in the comment section. Or if you’re about to start a new blog and confused with themes and website, then my colleagues at Elicus can help you to set up your new stylish blog.

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