Feb 6, 2017 | WordPress

Why WordPress is most leading Content Management System?

The debate about which is best CMS among WordPress, Drupal & Joomla, has raged for too long so I’m not intended to start an another debate. Few years back when I started my career as a web developer Joomla won the Packt Open Source Awards – Best PHP Open Source CMS. I’ve started my first website with Joomla. It was awesome experience because, It was free; It includes most of the features like ready to support SEO, contact forms, RSS, multi-language; It has vast extensions library. Although there were other available CMS like Wix, Drupal & WordPress but I found joomla very fascinating.

Rise of WordPress

In early days, WordPress was mostly associated with blogs. It provide easy to manage blog experience to users. Over the time, their developers evolve the complete system in a web based application. It allows users to create complicated website and made it a complete content management system rather than a blogging platform.

Downfalls of Joomla

Precisely, I’m not mentioning the downfalls of Joomla but the cons of Joomla. WordPress is very user friendly CMS while the Drupal is developer friendly CMS. End user can easily manage their website while developers love Drupal because of the ability of customization. In the other hand, Joomla is somewhere in the middle. Neither it is user friendly nor developer friendly. If you need some extra functionality at your website, Joomla is not right CMS for you altough it have number of extensions available but its very hard to find a suitable one.

Why WordPress?

There are a number of factors that need to be taken into account, such as cost, time, quality, flexibility and control.

User friendly
WordPress is easiest CMS and thanks to very user friendly interface. Anyone with small or no knowledge of programming can manage their website after the initial setup. Dashboard is very clean and easy to understand.

Amazing number of Plugins
If you’re looking to add some extra functionality at your website, you can easily find plugins as per your requirements. WordPress repository host approx 48 thousands plugins which have almost everything you need.

27% of the world’s website use WordPress

WordPress was first released on May 27, 2003, by its founders, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. As of now, WordPress was downloaded more than 400 million times. Currently, WordPress cover 27% of market. These numbers are enough to tell the saga of WordPress.

Regular update
WordPress team is continuously working to make their product lovable. They introduced theme customizer and advance media manager. Recently they introduces REST API to WordPress core the will make it suitable for creating mobile application.

Every CMS is good but WordPress is amazing. It’s dominating the market. For more updates subscribe to our blog and Drop a line if you’re looking forward to running a WordPress project.

Posted By:
Mohammed Arif
Arif is Development Head at Elicus and has over 10 years experience in the development industry. He is passionate about WordPress. Follow him on Twitter @themohdarif.



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